I was making research for my next article “Where Estonia is heading - is immortality possible for a country?” when I understood that in order for us to speak about where Estonia is heading, we also need to understand where we are coming from - here is a brief overview for those who might be … [Read more...] about Estonian History – in a Nutshell
Last weekend I visited the Republic of Belarus (to build our next Big Mobile App) and the country was everything that I didn't expect. It was the most calm and positively conservative society that I have ever seen. Everything was very clean and in order, the streets were big, but quite empty and … [Read more...] about Belarus
Estonian autumn in the wild
This week I walked through Kõrve trail (80 km), which is one part of Estonia’s longest hiking trail (370 km – goes across the country). It took me three days, two nights, and I was totally alone for the whole time. It was an enchanting experience. The hiking trail is created and administrated by … [Read more...] about Estonian autumn in the wild
Life in Indonesia
I was in Indonesia for one month. Mostly in Jakarta, but the last week I spent on the paradise island of Bali. Indonesia is a fascinating country with a lot of potential to grow and develop. Here are my insights on my experience. The people The people of Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia) … [Read more...] about Life in Indonesia
Indonesia – first impressions
This week I flew to Jakarta – the capital of Indonesia. I have to admit – my first impressions have been quite positive. On one hand it might be because I didn’t have high hopes – for example as Indonesia is the biggest muslim country in the world, I imagined a lot of signs of religion, but in … [Read more...] about Indonesia – first impressions
Pehmo-generatsiooni pealetung
Üks vanema generatsiooni ärimees mängis oma pojaga tennist kui ühel hetkel märkas poja püksiäärest roosasid aluspükse. Mees küsis oma pojalt: "Mida kuradit? Roosad aluspüksid? Poiss, pede oled või?". Poeg muigas ja vastas selle peale lakooniliselt "Pehmo on moes!" Viimasel ajal on popp rääkida … [Read more...] about Pehmo-generatsiooni pealetung
Selgitusi IT-Kolledži õppejõu P.Lorentsi vastase petitsiooni kohta
Eelmisel nädalal lahvatas meedias skandaal seoses IT Kolledži õppejõu Peeter Lorentsiga, kelle ainest kukkus läbi 135 tudengit 144-st. Tudengid korraldasid õppejõu vastu petitsiooni, milles nõuti tema vallandamist antud ametikohalt, kuna õppejõud on ebakompetentne oma ainet õpetama (tudengite … [Read more...] about Selgitusi IT-Kolledži õppejõu P.Lorentsi vastase petitsiooni kohta
IT Kolledž – mitte vaid patsiga poistele ega ka tavaline trend
Lõpetasin Tallinna Ülikooli, kui tööga seoses tuli idee minna õppima ITd ning loomulikult osutus esimeseks valikuks Eesti suurim infotehnoloogia valdkonnale keskendunud kõrgkool IT Kolledž. Kuigi ma polnud reaalteadustega varem tõsisemalt kokku puutunud ning keskkooli ajast ei olnud isegi … [Read more...] about IT Kolledž – mitte vaid patsiga poistele ega ka tavaline trend