Erik Ehasoo, MA

I work with people and companies that benefit from my creative approach and wide background in building startups, launching products & services, and working in media and communications.
In my career, I’m constantly looking for ways to grow, learn and experiment. I’m humbled by how much there is yet to be discovered and learned. Curiosity shows me the path.
After 9 years as a CEO in innovation-led companies, several years in the corporate and consulting world and a master’s degree in New Media (Cum Laude), I’m now passionate to share my experience to help others with go-to-market strategies and to drive ROI through innovation and creativity.
I believe in making people’s lives meaningful. I believe in enhancing people fulfil their full potential and finding meaning in their life and career.
I believe in reducing waste – meaningless time and effort spent using services we don’t need, doing things we don’t want, buying stuff that makes us worse off, and choking nature with an unnecessary burden.
I consider my life goal – to build a global democratic organisation (owned by its employees) and promote new ways of doing business.
Politically I have my own beliefs and thoughts but they can’t fit in any political (right, left, conservative, liberal etc) frameworks – life is not black and white. The same goes for religion – I believe in God but not in religion.
In my blog I share my life experiences, thoughts and vision about business, innovation & communication, the Estonian thing and the richness of the world in its own way. In our closed Facebook group for creative innovation leaders, I share my latest insights on innovation, creativity and the future. Feel free to join me!
Erik in Media
Saaremaa sild Muhu kultuuri hinnaga (Äripäev, 18.01.18; Saarte Hääl, 20.01.18)
Tasuta ravikindlustus toetab ettevõtlust (Äripäev, 5.10.17)
Kuidas sai üleöö oluline kinnisvaraäpp (Geenius, 6.04.17)
E-residendid kasvatavad eesti firmasid? (Äripäev, 1.04.16)
Keelud ahistavad (Äripäev, 2.12.15)
Tark sisserändaja aitab immigratsioonisõda võita (Äripäev, 5.11.15)
Ettevõtjad: Eestil on head eeldused ekspordiks Aafrikasse (Majandus24, 29.09.14)
Avalik sektor efektiivseks (Äripäev, 13.12.12)
Loobume riiklikust pensionist, mis on olemuselt ebaeetiline (Äripäev, 11.10.12)
Lapse rahaline kasvatus algab ta esimese taskurahaga (Delfi Majandus, 29.04.12)
Erik Ehasoo: pensioniea vanusepiir tuleks kaotada (Postimees, 28.12.10)
Noorte visioonifoorum: 260 ideed Eesti elu parendamiseks (Eesti Ekspress, 20.12.10)
Erik Ehasoo: Kuidas on võimalik koolis unistama õppida? (Postimees, 10.01.07)
About Ehasoo & Sons
Ehasoo & Sons (previously Rubiks Digital) was founded by Erik Ehasoo and technical partners in April 2013 as a development house focusing on emerging mobile technologies. From the very beginning, the strength of the founding team was in the integration between technology and business and so in 2015 the company made a strategic decision to leave out development and focus on project management.

From project management, Rubiks Digital team expanded to digital innovation consulting as well as launching its own in-house startup companies and side hustles. The team had built a unique value proposition of combining the strong practical experience of technical architectures and lean product management with creative business development and startups.
In early 2020 the full ownership of the company was bought back by Erik Ehasoo and his family and renamed Ehasoo & Sons. By 2021, the company had sold most of the previous ventures to focus on new initiatives and family investments that would better fit a growth-minded family.